RIBA Members Sri Lanka presents a workshop series on ‘Acoustics’ comprising of 5 workshops for the benefit of our Members and Student Members.

Thursday, 12 August 2021 Principles of Sound Acoustics and its relevance to humans

By Eng. Neranjan De Silva


By Marine Engineer and Photographer,

Dilan Wickremeratne




Thursday, 19 August 2021

Effect of Noise and its implications for humans with regard to airborne and structure borne noise spaces. Further, understanding noise regulations, standards and pollution etc.

By Eng. Neranjan De Silva

“Acoustic Material”

By Delmege Forsyth & Co Ltd.


Thursday, 26 August 2021 Exploring noise mitigation methods and issues arising from bad construction. How to planspaces from a noise perspective and control sound using sound isolation products

By Eng. Neranjan De Silva

Thursday, 2 September 2021 Design basics of Acoustics and exploring sound

within concert halls and music studios

By Eng. Neranjan De Silva

Thursday, 9 September 2021 Design of Smaller Acoustic Spaces

By Eng. Neranjan De Silva

Eng. Neranjan De Silva’s C.Eng MIE(SL) MIET(UK) MIEEE(USA) FTCL(UK) LRSM(UK)  knowledge in Acoustics does not limit himself to this field since he is a Musician, a Performer of  par excellence and accompanies making him the ideal person to lecture on this subject. He also lectures on acoustics to students of Architecture.

During the series of 5 lectures, he gave the architects an important insight into the principles of Acoustics and its relevance to humans, effect of noise in relation to airborne and structure borne noise in spaces, noise regulation, noise pollution, noise mitigation and control of sound using isolation products.

He also gave an important insight to design and acoustics regarding sound within concert halls, music studios and design of small acoustic spaces.

Delmege Forsyth & Co. Ltd. came on board with us to discuss acoustic materials that can be used for the mitigation and control of sound.

As a contrast, we had Marine Engineer and Photographer Eng. Dilan Wickremeratne showing our members his outstanding photographs from a ship which was rich in colour that kept the interest of our Members alive.